THE Christchurch RSA
20231101 SEAVA Midday Midweek
Years Service
Poppies produced 2023
About The Original RSA
The Original RSA has had many names since it was originally formed in Christchurch as ‘The Returned Soldiers Club’ on 14 December 1915 by the first wounded Veterans returning home from Gallipoli. The most recent being the Christchurch Memorial Returned and Services Association. It is the first and oldest RSA in New Zealand and as such it is the parent of the RNZRSA movement in New Zealand.
The Mission of The Original RSA is to;
Create an RSA motivated by compassion, courage and comittment to the Advocacy and Support of former and serving personnel and their families during transition into civillian life and beyond.
Latest News
Latest News
September Newsletter 2 ER (Engineer Regiment) Project Sandilands. This year we were fortunate again to have representatives from 2 ER giving their time to assist us with an ongoing project to increase the appeal of the complex. The work started in tidying the...
Key Remembrance Dates
ANZAC DAY – 25 April (every year)
- Dawn Service at 06:15am
Cranmer Square - Citizens’ Service at 10:00am
Christ Church Cathedral
ARMISTICE DAY- 11 November (every year)
- Open Service at 11:00am
Bridge of Remembrance (river precinct)
We wish to record our sincere appreciation and thanks to Dr Stephen Clarke (military historian) for his efforts and research to write the histories to be found on the following pages of this website.