October Update
a Ora,
The first attempt at holding our AGM was on the 15th October 2022. Unfortunately, we were unable to raise a quorum and in accordance with the rules the meeting was adjourned until the 22nd October 2022. This meeting date clashed with Labour weekend. Members were advised that the sole purpose of the meeting on the 22nd October would be to adjourn the meeting until the 5th of November to allow people who had previous engagements over Labour weekend to attend the later meeting and for those unable to attend to forward proxies to the Returning Officer. This motion was amended from the floor to adjourn the meeting until such time as the audited accounts were available. The amended motion was passed by those present.
This amended motion brings us in line with our requirement to present financial statements of the preceding period to the meeting.
It is estimated at this point that completed accounts will be available by March 2023. If the accounts become available earlier, then the meeting will be brought forward to the earliest possible opportunity.
Armistice Day 11th November 2022.
All going well and covid infection rates not sky rocketing we will hold an annual Armistice Day Commemoration on the 11th November 2022. Please gather between 10:15am and 10:30am at Remembrance Park, on the Eastern side of the Bridge of Remembrance.
Minor details are being finalised and the full morning’s activity will be publicised prior to the day.
Medals and appropriate dress please.
Canterbury stories/Plaques
As mentioned in an earlier newsletter the photographs of the plaques from the memorial wall at 74 Armagh St are now live on the CCC Library site Canterbury Stories. Here is the link: https://canterburystories.nz/collections/community/christchurchrsa
Support Services
Support clinics will be held on the 8th November and the 22nd November at the Papanui RSA where the District Support Advisers team will be available to conduct interviews with former service personnel and their immediate families. If you have health issues that are being attended to, or not, through VANZ, or you feel you might need some assistance, drop along, and visit between 10:00 am and 12:00pm.
These clinics will be available every month on the 2nd and 4th Tuesdays between 10:00am and 12:00pm.
If you need assistance in getting to Papanui, contact the office on 03 3799724, or email office@christchurchrsa.org.nz the week prior to the clinic and we will see how we can assist you.
Forces and Veterans News
Below are the links to the latest instalments from NZ Army, Navy and Airforce
More news and information is available on Facebook at The Original RSA: https://www.facebook.com/theoriginalrsa
Or https://christchurchrsa.org.nz
First Monday of the month, 1:30pm, the RNZAFA, (Canterbury Branch), meet at Wigram in one of the rooms.
Open to all ex-services, $2 gets a cup of tea and biscuit, general meeting type format followed by a guest speaker.
Last Friday of the month, 10:30am, a general gathering of former services personnel at Wigram coffee shop. All services, all eras, most welcome.
Friday 11th November
Dame Vera Lynn Tribute Concert, The Piano venue, 7:00pm. Tickets $40 + booking fee through https://www.eventfinda.co.nz/2022/dame-vera-lynn-very-special-tribute/christchurch/tickets
More information available at: https://www.eventfinda.co.nz/2022/dame-vera-lynn-very-special-tribute/christchurch?_ga=2.224125528.2145072249.1663550260-1189844778.1655076094
There is a $5 discount for RSA Members.
The discount will be paid into the Chch RSA Poppy Fund.
If you are a member register with the office@christchurchrsa.org.nz or 03 379 9724 after having booked your ticket.
Saturday 3rd December 2022
Red Carpet Corporate Concert, Ngaio Marsh Theatre, UC – Saturday 3rd December 2022.
- Networking supper and bar open from 7pm
- 4 musical performances
- Speakers: Tenby Powell and Richard Adams
- Richard Adams is a former British Army soldier, current Oceania manager at Swoop Aero and founder of Taskforce Kiwi, a disaster relief organisation that includes former members of the military. It was recently active in Queensland post flooding
- Live auctions
- Pricing:
- Gold Table: $5,000
- Front of room, corporate name on front of programme and mentioned in event media
- Silver Table: $4,000
- Mid-room, corporate name on second page of programme and mentioned in event media
- Bronze Table: $3,000
- Third tier/rear, corporate name on back page and mentioned in event media
Please note the programme and information may be subject to change and more information will be made available.
Stay safe and if you have any queries of suggestions, please call the office on 033797924 or email office@christchurchrsa.org.nz. Our office hours are Tuesday – Thursday 10:00am – 2:00pm.
Dennis Mardle
The Original RSA
03 379 9724