6th April 2023
Moving Forward
The sitting Executive has co-opted two new members to help
get things moving and to establish a new direction. There is a
rigorous programme that the Executive is working on to get
things back on track. A forensic accountant has been engaged
to dig deeper into the issues of the internal transfers of money
during the last months of the closure. It is important that all
members get a full picture of what transpired. This is important
as we move forward into the next phase of the Club’s
development. Meanwhile Tony Westwood has been in the
process of getting the Poppy Sales back on track with the help
of Pablo Godoy (see below). Jim Lilley has also put the Dawn
Parade back on track (see the poster in this newsletter)
The accounts are complicated because of the banking
regulations governing signatories, account access etc but the
Treasurer is working with the two Banks involved to clear the
way for the accountants to complete the annual accounts.
What might seem to be a simple process has actually taken up
an enormous amount of volunteer time for the President/
Treasurer as he works through all the legal and accounting
issues. Once we have a date for the accounts to be completed
it will be published so that we can then proceed to the next
stage – the AGM. On a day to day basis the accounts are up to
date; it’s the history that needs to be tidied up.
Membership Fees
The fees are set at an AGM by the membership hence the
$40.00 fee, which has been mandated by the members. The
Executive is looking at what can be done outside the
constitution to relieve the burden
Strategic Planning
We spoke about the planning in
the last Sitrep as we move to
a l i g n o u r s e l v e s w i t h t h e
direction that the RNZRSA has
started to take in the last 12
months or so.
The thrust of the national body’s
message is to get back to our
core business, which as already
indicated is not about operating
a hospitality business in order to
provide support for veterans.
As we said in the last Strep we
need to change our direction
and as the Phoenix we have the
opportunity to lead the way
ahead. The future lies in a
strong and cohesive veteran
community, working alongside
VANZ to ensure entitlements
and supported by RNZRSA as
the advocacy organisation. The
old way represents drunken ex
service people rolling out of the
RSA on ANZAC Day. That does
not garner the 365 day support
that service in harm’s way
demands. It has no relevance for
the younger generations.
RNZRSA is promoting the RSA
as standing for:
That provides us with a sharp
focus for the future
Poppy Day
Poppy Day is 21 April and if you
are available to assist call Tony
Westwood, who has taken charge
of this activity. If you can assist
with distribution talk to Tony.
Tony is picking this up after the 3
year Covid hiatus.
Major Jim Wilson
Long time member of the CMRSA
Jim Wilson passed away in late
March. Jim served in Vietnam
with the Medical Team and was a
loyal member of the CMRSA.
Lest we forget.
Your Current Executive
President/Treasurer – Dennis
Vice President – Tony Westwood
Members – Cameron Mouat
Jim Lilley
Pablo Godoy
Ross Milne
All are happy to help you with any
questions you may have.
New Members on the Executive
There are two coopted members on the Executive. Pablo
Godoy who has military links and works for the Corrections
Department. He is studying for his MBA and brings a younger
view and new thinking to the table. Alongside him is Ross
Milne who is a Trustee of Rannerdale as well as the Museum
and Support Trust.
A quick reminder – Membership is up for renewal at the end of
the month. $40.00 payable to 01-0797-0897862-002
Remember – there is an informal gathering of veterans at the
Airforce Museum on the last Friday of each month at 1000hrs.
All are welcome and this provides an opportunity for
connection and discussion on support and services that can be
accessed. You might meet some people you haven’t seen for a
long time